Courses in Nijmegen
This page contains an overview of the courses taught by me at the University of Nijmegen. For courses taught elsewhere, please see the Other courses page.
Course overview
- Holiday courses on political science and political theory for pupils of secondary schools
- Tutor, 1st year course on Law and Justice (1992, 1994)
- Contract theories (1992)
- Green Politics (with Masja Nas, 1993)
- Philosophy of the policy sciences (1995, 1997-8)
- Philosophy of Politics and Policy (1995)
- Contemporary political philosophy (1996-2001)
- Contemporary political philosophy for exchange students (in English, 1997-2001)
- Introduction to political philosophy (1997, 1999)
- History of political philosophy (1997-2001)
- The Political Philosophy half of the one-year MA-level programme Politics and Decision-Making (1997)
- Theory and Philosophy of the Policy Sciences (PhD course, with dr A.M.A. van Deemen, 1997)
- Parliamentary History (1999-2000)
- Perspectives on Politics (2001-2002)
- Introduction to Philosophy for BA (Polytech) graduates starting MA (University) courses in Management (2001-2002)
- Co-ordination final semester Bachelor's programme (course on Rationality and Justice, political theory research project, course on Perspectives on Political Science, thesis organization and approval, 2003-5)
- Political Theory and the Foundations of the Modern State (masters course, 2002-4)
- Power and Political Theory (masters course, 2002-8)
- Contemporary Debates in Political Theory (masters course, 2002-13)
- Supervision of master's theses (1991-2013) and bachelor's theses (2003-13)
- 20th Century Political Ideologies (with Dr. A.F.M. Bertrand, 2000)
- Research course Contemporary political philosophy (with Dr. A.F.M. Bertrand, 2000)
- Philosophy of the management sciences (2001-8)
- Green and Modern Political Philosophy (2002-4) Online lecture notes
- Introduction to Political Science (2005-), part on Political Theory
- Power in Political Theory (2009-)
- European Political Philosophy (2010-11)
- History of Political Thought (2012-18, 2020)
- Political Science: State of the Art (2008-2013) (two lectures, session chair, co-coordinator; course for PhD candidates organized by the Netherlands Institute of Government NIG/NOB)
- Politics, Ethics and Practice (2018-)
- Political Ecology (2019-) (part of the Faculty of Philosophy's Philosophy, Politics and Society BA)