Other courses

This page contains an overview of guest lectures and other courses taught by me outside the University of Nijmegen. For courses taught in Nijmegen, please see the Courses in Nijmegen page.

  • Guest lectures at the University of Nijmegen on the history of political philosophy, theories of justice, liberalism and social choice theory.
  • Guest lectures at the University of Leiden on justice, Aristotle, Marx, Tocqueville and others.
  • Guest lecturer at the University of Leiden for courses on medieval political theorists: John of Salisbury (1992) and Christine de Pizan (1997).
  • Sustainability between fact and fiction, graduate course at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Philosophy (1999).
  • Nature between fact and fiction, PhD course at the University of Groningen, Rudolf Agricola Institute (with dr. H.F. van den Berg, 1999).
  • Guest lectures on Aristotle and liberalism in a qualification course for future secondary school teachers in philosophy, University of Groningen (1999).
  • Political philosophy and sustainable development, undergraduate course, Leiden University (2006).