Articles in proceedings
(Sole author unless indicated otherwise.)
Greening liberalism: How to liberate liberalism from the bad name it deserved, p. 912-919 in: A. Dobson, J. Stanyer (eds.), Contemporary Political Studies 1998, Vol. 2: Proceedings of the Annual Conference (etc.), Nottingham: Political Studies Association, ISBN 0-9523150-9-2
Past and future of green liberalism, in Memory, History and Critique. European Identity at the Millenium, Frank Brinkhuis, Sascha Talmor (eds.), Utrecht: University for Humanist Studies 1998 (CD-Rom, 5 pages), ISBN 90-73022-11-8
The Possibility of green liberalism, in Memory, History and Critique. European Identity at the Millenium, Frank Brinkhuis, Sascha Talmor (eds.), Utrecht: University for Humanist Studies 1998 (CD-Rom, 5 pages), ISBN 90-73022-11-8
The distribution of rights, Proceedings of the 1997 Environmental Justice Conference, University of Melbourne
The liberal psyche, in: Democracy in Central Europe 1989-1999: Comparative and Historical Perspectives, Justyna Miklaszewska (ed), Kraków: Meritum, 1999, ISBN 83-87832-17-0
(Translated as) Liberalna osobowosc, in: Demokracja w Europie Srodkowej 1989-1999: Studia historyczne i porównawcze, Justyna Miklaszewska (ed), Kraków: Instytut Studiów Strategicznych, Fundacja MCRD, 2001, pp. 225-242, ISBN 83-87832-26-X
Global and ecological justice, in: Managing on the Edge, Proceedings of a conference in Nijmegen, 25-26 September 2003. ISBN 90-232-3980-6