This page contains an overview of my monographs. Detailed information about the books is provided separately; see the "More about..." links next to each book's entry.
See also Edited books
Political pluralism and the state: beyond sovereignty
London: Routledge (Routledge Innovators in Political Theory), 2008. ISBN: 9780415467391 (HB) / 9780203894118 (EB) / 9781138978836 (PPB)
Politiek gaat over mensen: autonomie en orde
Download inaugural lecture (215 KB)
Full text of my inaugural lecture (in Dutch) Politiek gaat over mensen: autonomie en orde of 26 January 2007 as Political Theory professor at Nijmegen University. ISBN-10: 90-9021497-6 / ISBN-13: 978-90-9021497-9.
Mens, natuur en onderwerping
Een humanistisch perspectief op de intrinsieke waarde van de natuur
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Full text of my inaugural lecture (in Dutch) Mens, natuur en onderwerping: Een humanistisch perspectief op de intrinsieke waarde van de natuur of 24 March 2005 as Socrates professor at Wageningen University.
Imperfection and Impartiality
A liberal theory of social justice
London: UCL Press, 1999. ISBN 1-85728-850-5 (HB), 1-85728-851-3 (PB), 0-203-50212-4 (e-book).
Green Liberalism
The free and the green society
London: UCL Press, 1998. ISBN 1-85728-848-3 (HB) 1-85728-849-1 (PB).
Here’s Raul Campusano Droguett from the Universidad del Desarrollo explaining on Chilean TV (actually, local TV in Santiago) that Green Liberalism is one of the four most indispensible books for anyone interested in Environmental Law. Makes me feel humble.
Justice From a Distance
An Outline of a Liberal Theory of Social Justice
PhD thesis, University of Nijmegen, 1994. ISBN 90-9007284-5
Reviewed by Gijs van Donselaar, Acta Politica 1995/30, p. 363-5