``` Miscellaneous publications

Miscellaneous publications

(Sole author unless indicated otherwise.)

Contra-nota over emancipatiebeleid (with G. Lock, M. Nas, C. Parisius), Nijmegen 1990.

Het negatieve van positieve actie, Facblad, 1990/1, p.26-28.

Booknote on Aristotle's Ethica Nicomachea, Nieuwsbrief Politicologie, 1991/0.

Booknote on Rawls' A Theory of Justice and Nozick's Anarchy, state, and utopia, Nieuwsbrief Politicologie, 1991/0.

Research in progress, Newsletter of the international Center for Social Justice Research, Utrecht 1991/3, p. 4.

Anatomie van een gespleten tong, KUNieuws, Nijmegen 1991-1992/9, p. 6.

John of Salisbury's Policraticus, (Dutch) introduction for students, University of Leiden, 1992.

Politiek van de toekomst, De Grote Aarde, 1992/1, p. 23-32.

Over minderheden en de universiteit, Facblad, Nijmegen 1992/1, p. 7-10.

De toekomst van de dienstplicht, (forum debate, chair), Jonge Democraten, Nijmegen 1993.

Dilemma's van Milieubeleid, forum debate, Nijmegen, O42, 6 May 1996.

Interview for Elsevier, used in: José van der Sman, Niet meer maar minder, Elsevier 1997 nr. 14, 5 April 1997, pp. 86-93.

Groen en toch Liberaal? Colloquium on Green Liberalism, department of Applied Philosophy, Agricultural University Wageningen, 9-10-1998.

Democracy: the Experiment, Chair and supervisor, experiment in state formation theory, Stichting OtherWise in co-operation with the department of Disaster Studies and Studium Generale, Agricultural University Wageningen, 2-11-1998.

Notitie onderzoeksvisitatie ruimtelijke wetenschappen, Nijmegen Centre (NICE) for Business, Environment and Government, K.U. Nijmegen, May 1999.

Notitie aio-beleid, Nijmegen Centre (NICE) for Business, Environment and Government, K.U. Nijmegen, June 1999.

Self-evaluation Geography, Editor, author of Section A, KNAW Assessment of Research Quality 2000, Nijmegen Centre (NICE) for Business, Environment and Government, K.U. Nijmegen, March 2000.

Self-evaluation Environmental Science, Editor, author of Section A, KNAW Assessment of Research Quality 2000, Nijmegen Centre (NICE) for Business, Environment and Government, K.U. Nijmegen, March 2000.

Vrede, Voedsel, Veiligheid: een Experiment, Chair and supervisor, experiment in state formation theory, Stichting OtherWise, Science Days, Agricultural University Wageningen, 15-4-2000.

Modern state and European governance: the different uses of research in political decision-making, discussant, Netherlands Institute of Government/Delft University of Technology, Delft, 2 November 2000.

Equity and the Environment, participant, Royal Geographical Society/Royal Institute of Geographers, London, 8 November 2000.

Onderzoeksjaarverslag 1999, Faculteit der Beleidswetenschappen, Nijmegen Centre (NICE) for Business, Environment and Government, K.U. Nijmegen, November 2000.

Wat is een goede samenleving?, Nieuwsbrief Politicologie 2000/4/2, K.U. Nijmegen, p. 1-2.

Begeleiding, voortgangs- en beoordelingsgesprekken van Aio's, Nijmegen Centre (NICE) for Business, Environment and Government, K.U. Nijmegen, January 2001.

Det som inte skadar är tillåtet, interview in Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm, 19-1-2001, p. 12.

Self-evaluation Political Science, Editor, author of Sections A and B, KNAW Assessment of Research Quality 2000, Nijmegen Centre (NICE) for Business, Environment and Government, K.U. Nijmegen, March 2001.

Self-evaluation Economics, Editor, author of Sections A and B, KNAW Assessment of Research Quality 2000, Nijmegen Centre (NICE) for Business, Environment and Government, K.U. Nijmegen, March 2001

Self-evaluation Public Administration, Editor, author of Sections A and B, KNAW Assessment of Research Quality 2000, Nijmegen Centre (NICE) for Business, Environment and Government, K.U. Nijmegen, March 2001

Self-evaluation Management Science, Editor, author of Sections A and B, KNAW Assessment of Research Quality 2000, Nijmegen Centre (NICE) for Business, Environment and Government, University of Nijmegen, March 2001.

University life, discussant in a forum debate, Parent-Student-Staff contact day, Nijmegen School of Management, University of Nijmegen, May 2001.

Liberalism and environmentalism, chair and lecturer, ECPR Summer School on Environmental Politics, Keele University, Keele, Staffs. UK, September 2001.

Zoeken naar verantwoordelijkheid: Aristoteles, Kant, Shell en het klimaatdebat, interview in Filosofie Magazine, 2001/10 nr. 6, pp. 8-13.

De Tjipknip, VOX, journal of the University of Nijmegen, 29-8-2001

Chair, forum debate of the JOVD (Young Liberals), City Hall Nijmegen, 22-9-2001

Derde Duurzaamheidsdialoog (Third Dialogue on Sustainability), Stichting DuVo (environmental think-tank of major food-related enterprises), participant, Rotterdam, Erasmus University, 6-12-2001.

Participant in an expert meeting on Bedrijfscultuur en duurzaamheid (Corporate culture and sustainability), a report for and project of the Ministry of VROM (Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment), The Hague, Ministry of VROM, 18-12-2001.

Over Ton Bertrand en andere herinneringen aan Politicologie, M. Wissenburg, R. Lieshout, H. Slomp (eds), University of Nijmegen, 2001

Politiek, markt en ecologie, Dot Org, magazine Nijmegen School of Management, 2001/2, p.14.

De Afleidingscommissie, in De Heraut 2002/1 (1), p. 4, Nijmegen Political Science Newsletter, Nijmegen, May 2002.

De Schaal van het Denken, in Duurzaamheid in Beeld, pp. 26-7, Amsterdam, Stichting DuVo, 2002

Het volk wil in rust gelaten worden, in De Heraut 2002/1 (2), pp. 3-4, Nijmegen Political Science Newsletter, Nijmegen, October 2002

Interview with Kirsten Kuipers for a Vakreview Filosofie en Duurzame Ontwikkeling (Overview of higher education philosophy teaching practices on sustainability), Nijmegen 2003.

Nuilen, column in VOX, bi-weekly Magazine of the University of Nijmegen, 2003(3)/11, p. 9.

Interview on the occasion of the first anniversary of Pim Fortuyn’s death, Radio Gelderland, 6 May 2003.

Van Ma(a)ren Genootschap (Paul van Maaren in co-operation with Peter Ernst and Marcel Wissenburg), Genealogie van het Utrechtse geslacht Taets van der Maern, Heerhugowaard: Gigaboek, 2003, ISBN 90-75311-57-5

Kenniseconomie is een leeg idee, Debate on Dutch science policy, VOX, bi-weekly Magazine of the University of Nijmegen, 2003(4)/5, pp. 20-22.

Hoe is het politieke onderscheid in "links en rechts" ontstaan?, column, Eindhovens Dagblad 20-12-2003, p. 2.

Waarom spreken we van de Derde Wereld?, column, Eindhovens Dagblad 22-4-2004, p. 2.

Mag Ruud Lubbers eredoctor worden? Column, Soeterbeeck Actualiteitenprogramma 361, Nijmegen, 1-6-2004

Freedom of expression, debate on the occasion of the murder of film director and champion of free speech Theo van Gogh, Radio Gelderland, 2-11-2004

Forum debate on the murder of Theo van Gogh and on freedom of speech, Soeterbeeck Actualiteitenprogramma 361, Nijmegen, 15-11-2004

Expert witness on political theory, PhD course on the State of the Art in Political Science, Netherlands Institute of Government, Utrecht, 7-12-2004.

Een lijntje met Europa, interview on the Dutch referendum for a European Constitution, Algemeen Nijmeegs Studentenblad ANS, April 2005, p. 15.

Waarom geen plastic bomen?, interview on inaugural lecture, Wb 2005/10 (Weekblad voor Wageningen UR), 31 March 2005, p. 9.

De waarde van natuur, debate on inaugural lecture, Wb 2005/11 (Weekblad voor Wageningen UR), 7 April 2005, p. 8.

Drang tot natuurbehoud onuitroeibaar, interview on inaugural lecture, Filosofie Magazine 2005/14/5, p. 59.

De Staat, de Bijbel en de Wetenschap, Bi-weekly column, website of the Political Science Department, Radboud University Nijmegen, 28-9-2005.

Het Lekkere linkse leven: Nijmegen, interview used in article on the political situation in Nijmegen after the murder of a local activist (by Onno Havermans), Trouw, De Verdieping, pp. 1-3, Saturday 26-11-2005.

Contribution to Environment and the art of living well, diner-pensant with members of the Ministry of the Environment's advisory council (VROM-raad) on its policy advice with that same name (nr 48), Utrecht, 10-2-2006.

Positivisme versus Postmodernisme, chair of a debate between prof. Paul Frissen and prof. Michiel de Vries on postmodernism and positivism in public administration, BOW (public administration student society), Radboud University Nijmegen, 6-6-2006.

De Politieke Islam, chair of a debate on political Islam, Circus Politica (joint meeting of Dutch political science student societies), Radboud University Nijmegen, 8-6-2006.

Contribution to Internationaal Milieubeleid in Liberaal Perspectief (International environmental policy in a liberal perspective), expert meeting of the Telders Foundation, The Hague 28-9-2006.

Verkiezingscampagne is jaren vijftig (Election campaign is Fifties all over), interview on the national election campaign, FM Kwartaalbericht, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2006/1/1, p. 3

Een verlangen naar politieke orde (A longing for political order), interview on inaugural lecture, Radboud Magazine 2006/10 (December), p. 34

De mens boven de natuur (Man above Nature), interview on environmental philosophy, Humus, 2006/4 (December), pp. 4-5.

Expert witness on political theory, PhD course on the State of the Art in Political Science, Netherlands Institute of Government, Nijmegen, 18-1-2007.

Voor ieder zoekt Rawls de maximale vrijheid, interview on John Rawls, newspaper Trouw, De Verdieping, 25-1-2007, p.7.

Debate with former minister Hans Dijkstal, Liberale Jongerendag, Nijmegen, 3-2-2007.

Klimaatverandering, Bi-weekly column, website of the Political Science Department, Radboud University Nijmegen, 19-2-2007.

Wat verwacht Wageningen van Balkenende IV?, brief interview on the new government’s plans, Resource, 1-3-2007.

Ecologie en Hedendaags Humanisme, special issue of Tijdschrift voor Humanistiek, 2007/2, edited by Marcel Wissenburg, André Hielkema and Harry Kunneman.

Waarom spreken we van linkse en rechtse politiek?, brief interview, NRC.Next, 19-10-2007.

Negotiating for hostages, debate for ELSA (European Law Students Association) Nijmegen, 21-11-2007.

De Beproeving van Wilders, bi-weekly column, website of the Political Science Department, Radboud University Nijmegen, 10-3-2008.

Greening Liberalism, Liberal Matters, May 2008, pp. 24-25. ISSN 0968-1884

Je moet je voorganger afbranden, interview on the election of a new parliamentary party chair for the Socialist Party, Gelderlander and all other newspapers of the Geassocieerde Pers Diensten (GPD), 20 June 2008, p. 7.

Het nieuwe beginselprogramma van de VVD, interview on the new draft Statement of Principles of the liberal party VVD, Stand Punt NL, NCRV broadcasting corporation on (national) Radio 1, 28 August 2008.

Opzoomeren, expert meeting, advising liberal party D66 on its (plans for) environmental and nature policies in election platforms, Utrecht, 3 October 2008.

Bijdrage Biotechnologie, Expert meeting Teldersstichting, The Hague, 9 October 2008.

Expert witness on political theory, PhD course on the State of the Art in Political Science, Netherlands Institute of Government, Nijmegen, 15 January 2009.

De Maakbare Samenleving, brief interview on the occasion of Darwin’s 200th birthday, Vox, 12-2-2009 (2009/9/12), p. 25.

Vrijheid van meningsuiting is geen doel op zich, brief interview on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the publication of John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty, Radboud University Wetenschapsagenda, available online, 18-2-2009.

Vrijheid van meningsuiting middel om kritisch te blijven, brief interview, Journal De Gelderlander edition Nijmegen, 24-3-2009, p. 22.

O. Tönz, R. Rasch, J. Hengst, M. Wissenburg - Henricus Albicastro, Komponist und Geigenvirtuose (*1660/61? +1730): Zur Herkunft und Biografie des Barockmusikers Johann Heinrich Weissenburg, May 2009, available online

Veiling nalatenschap Pim Fortuyn, brief interview for local station TV Nijmegen, 27-6-2009.

De Witte Tornado, Bi-weekly column, website of the Political Science Department, Radboud University Nijmegen, 5-7-2009.

Machocultuur in de politiek, interview on BNR Nieuwsradio on the (national) election campaign, 1 March 2010 (15.35-15.45).

Verkiezingen Nijmegen Ongeldig, press release on lack of privacy in polling booths; picked up by ANP, TVGelderland, BNR Nieuwsradio, Radio Gelderland, Omroep Gelderland Teletekst, NOS teletekst, Nijmegen1 teletekst, Nu,nl online, Nieuws.nl online, 024.startpagina.nl online, fok.nl online, europeanpolice.net online, Financieele Dagblad online, Trouw online (3-3-2010); Algemeen Dagblad, Trouw, Gelderlander (and all other GPD newspapers), NRC Next, NRC, Financieele Dagblad, Sp!ts, Volkskrant, Telegraaf, Parool, nijmegenleeft.nl online, RTL Teletekst, q-music.nl online, spitsnet.nl online (4-3-2010). [Several brief interviews on this topic in later weeks have not been included in this overview.]

Gordijntjes in stemhokjes (privacy in polling booths), Villa VPRO, Radio 1, 5-3-2010 15h00-16h30.

De Verkiezingen (privacy in polling booths), Ombudsman Vara, TV Nederland 1, 5-3-2010, 21h20.

Kosten immigratie mogen best onderzocht worden (on costs and benefits of immigration) BNR Nieuwsradio, 8-4-2010 (1315-1345)

Machiavelli en ik, Interview (in Dutch) Vox 2010 10(17) (20 mei 2010), pp. 22-25.

Emile Roemer: Is de nieuwe leider van links opgestaan? (On the new front man of the Socialist Party) BNR Nieuwsradio, 27-5-2010 (12.30-13.15)

Openheid rond de kabinetsformatie: is de kiezer het bos ingestuurd? (On the cabinet formation negotiations) BNR Nieuwsradio, 14-7-2010 (12.45-13.15)

Iedereen heeft een mening over de vrije mening, interview (on freedom of speech and opinion) in De Gelderlander and other GPD newspapers, Saturday Annex p.6-7, 2-10-2010.

Wilt u een jongentje? Interview (on embryo selection) in Editie NL, RTL4 (TV), 7-10-2010, 1815-1835.

De stelling van Marcel Wissenburg (on embryo selection), NRC Handelsblad (Debat & Opinie) pp. 10-11, 9-10-2010. Rectificatie ernstige fout in NRC Handelsblad, 9 oktober 2010

Embryoselectie, interview (on embryo selection) in EO ‘Dit is de dag’, Radio 1, 12-10-2010, 1415-1430.

Nieuwe liberale premier, on the inauguration of a new cabinet, Premtime, Radio 1, 14-10-2010, 10.30-11.00

Het laatste oordeel, Student assessment of a lecture on Rousseau, ANS 2011/1 (January), p. 6.

Dames en heren, liberalen zijn bovenal eerlijk, Volkskrant 14 January 2011, p. 10.

Genetics, Ethics and Liberalism, forum debate with MPs Esmée Wiegman (ChristenUnie) and Anoushka van Miltenburg (VVD), Telders Foundation, The Hague, 28 January 2011.

Wie betaalt de papyrologie?, HP / De Tijd 29-4-2011, pp. 142-3.

Het Grote Plasverbod, interview on the prohibition of sanitary excursions during academic exams for the student television channel Campus in Beeld; available on YouTube.

Uitkopen Van Meurs mag niet, interview RTV Gelderland on the (im)possibility of buying out Arnhem local council member Van Meurs, RTV Gelderland 30-11-2011; see the following [TV] screen shot:


Eerlijke politiek, VOX 2011:12/5, p. 13.

Off the record, Splijtstof 2011 (49):2, pp. 59-63.

Toiletbezoek bij tentamens, Interview for Campus TV, December 2011. Available on YouTube...

Vliegangst, Column, Liberaal Reveil 2011 (4), p.193-4.

Polderen 2.0, Contribution to a debate on social security, 95th Anniversary Conference of the JFV (Students of Law Union), Radboud University Nijmegen, 30 March 2012.

Zin en onzin van bezuinigen, HP De Tijd 18-3-2012 (11), p. 70-1.

Wetenschappers in de politiek, Forum debate on ethical dilemmas for academics operating in national politics, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2 May 2012.

Public debate on labour market, housing market and education, with Ruth Peetoom (national chair, Christian Democratic party CDA), Marja van Bijsterveldt (Minister for Education), Agnes Jongerius (frm. Chair, national Labour Union FNV), Jan Jacob van Dijk (Senator, CDA) organized by CDA Gelderland, Young CDA Gelderland and Young CDA Nijmegen, LUX, Nijmegen, 14 May 2012.

Er gaat niets boven een goed congres, Res Publica 2012 (54/2), pp. 240-241.

GroenLinks Strijd tast lijsttrekker aan, GPD Press (Gelderlander et al.) 21 May 2012 p. 4.

Bij GroenLinks valt nu weinig meer te kiezen, Nederlands Dagblad 21 May 2012, p. 8.

Symposium Eerlijkheid en Liberalisme, organized by the Telders Foundation, Leusden, Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte, 22 June 2012.

Eindelijk een liberale samenleving zonder religie, Nederlands Dagblad 29 June 2012, p. 5.

Antwerp: First Person. The view from the workshop director, ECPR News 2.1 (summer 2012), p. 10.

Grootste partij levert niet automatisch premier, Nieuwsbank.nl, 4 September 2012.

Discussant of Chris Armstrong’s paper Global Justice, Positional Goods, and International Political Inequality, Conference on Global Justice and Global Democracy, Faculty of Law, Radboud University Nijmegen, 27-28 September 2012.

Een goede leider weet wanneer hij fouten maakt, interview, Trouw 14-11-2012, p. 6.

The American Political Experiment (lecture by James Block, DePaul University), discussant and moderator, Soeterbeeck Programme, Radboud University Nijmegen, 26 November 2012.

Tussen de studenten in de binnenstad, Vox 2012 (13/4), November 2012, p.18.

De haas in de marathon, several minutes of shots taken at the ECPR Joint Sessions Antwerpen 2012 in a documentary on the tenth anniversary of the Dutch Party for the Animals, 2013. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66TLYId0dNI

A Conversation with Charles Taylor, interview via Skype with Charles Taylor on multiculturalism, recognition, justice, guilt, penance and the crisis. Philosophy Night, Nijmegen 5 April 2013. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtSNgntSJuw.

Interview and consultation, Hans van Mierlostichting (scientific bureau of D66, social liberal party), in preparation of their publication (June 2013) Streef naar een Duurzame en Harmonieuze Samenleving [Aim for a Sustainable and Harmonious Society, ISBN 978-90-814507-2-0], The Hague, May 2013.

Support for Centre for Parliamentary History, TV Kanaal13, 5 June 2013, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oWS6qEpvqI

Presentation ‘Starter Grant’ for the Young unemployed in the Nijmegen region, Town Hall, Nijmegen, 5 September 2013.

What Money Can’t Buy, debate with prof. dr. E. van der Zweerde on Michael Sandel’s critique of free market thought, Centre for Ethics & FC Sophia, Nijmegen, Trianon 10 October 2013.

Veel Spookstemmers voor Gemeenteraad, interview/comments, Algemeen Dagblad 26 March 2014. Taken over bij (among others): Radio 1 (National Radio), - NRC, - Pownieuws, Elsevier, LindaNieuws, Nieuws247, Joop, Blikopnieuws, Reformatorisch Dagblad, Het Nieuws (Belgium), Hoofdpunten (Belgium)

Veel Spookstemmers voor Gemeenteraad, BNR Nieuwsradio, 26 March 2014, Noon News edition (12h00).

Het Geheim van het Stemhokje, De Limburger (Sittard-Geleen) 18 April 2014, p.1.

Stemfie niet Verboden, BNR Nieuwsradio 9 May 2014, 13h00.

In Memoriam Grahame Lock, http://www.ru.nl/politicologie/koppeling/memoriam-grahame/, 7 August 2014.

Kritiek op Van der Laan na smoren debat, Parool 13 October 2014.

Eicellen invriezen op kosten van de baas, is dat vooruitgang?, Interview, Trouw 15 October 2014.

Nieuwe baas van RVD is man die weet wat Rutte wil, Interview, Algemeen Dagblad 10 December 2014.

De verkiezingsuitslag is een ramp voor het land, BNR Nieuwsradio 19 March 2015, 13h20.

Milieu en Wereldburgerschap, Docentendag NVLM [Environment and Global Citizenship, Dutch Federation of Teachers in Citizenship Education], Radboud University Nijmegen, 12 May 2015.

Corruptieschandalen VVD op de weegschaal (on corruption scandals in the VVD), De Hofvijver, Montesquieu Instituut, 29 June 2015 (54). Available online...

De Controle-Tsunami (on the ever growing burden of superfluous control mechanisms in the public sector), Th&ma 2015 (3), p. 23. Available online...

Het primaat van de milieu-ethiek (On the priority of ethical questions in environmental policy), IDEE 2015 (36/2), pp. 25-29. Available online...

(With Martin van Hees, in Dutch) On Robert Nozick, TelderStichting, TeldersCommunity July 2015, http://www.telderscommunity.nl/informatie.php?movie=40

Eens in de week geen vlees in de Radboud-kantine (Meat Free Monday in university restaurant), Volkskrant 2-11-2015.

Vermogensdeling, Chair of a symposium, Telders Foundation, The Hague 20 November 2015.

Overheidsbemoeienis met reclamebeleid: wat kan en mag het bedrijfsleven hiertegen doen?, BNR Nieuwsradio 20-10-2016, 10h45.

Rutte Seeks EU Deal on Ukraine to Counter Populists, Interview, Bloomberg Press (Celeste Perri, Anne van der Schoot & Corina Ruhe), 31 October 2016.

Vitale Democratie (Vital Democracy), participation in and contribution to one-day seminar for the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations on the new Democracy Agenda, The Hague, 2 November 2016.

Die Schweiz <> einen Komponisten, interview with Pia Schwab for the Schweizer Musikzeitung/Revue Musicale Suisse 2016 (10/11), pp. 10-12, on the roots and biography of the Baroque composer Johan Hendrik Weissenburg a.k.a. Albicastro (1662-1730) http://www.musikzeitung.ch/fr.

Behind the walls of Thomas van Aquino Street (19-1-2017): See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x__jZzPStiA

Professor in the Picture (29-5-2017): See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqN8sr7DC9E

Yes/No: VAT on vegetables and fruit should be reduced to 0%. No. HP/De Tijd, June 2017, p. 8. http://www.hpdetijd.nl/2017-06-06/btw-groente-en-fruit/

Goodbye Thomas van Aquinostraat, alumni event, Radboud University, 1 December 2017.

My research and sources of inspiration, Guest lecture Junior Faculty Consortium, Institute for Management Research, Radboud University, 17 January 2018.

Studentenlounge vernoemd naar gedode student, interview on the opening of a Student Lounge named after Elif Yavuz (1980-2013), 5 February 2018, published in VOX https://www.voxweb.nl/nieuws/lounge-vernoemd-naar-vermoorde-oud-studente and De Gelderlander https://www.gelderlander.nl/nijmegen-e-o/lounge-vernoemd-naar-vermoorde-oud-studente-elif~a5630a65/

Chair, public election debate between MPs and local council candidates from VVD and GroenLinks, Radboud University, 5 February 2018.

Interview on Dylan Thomas's And Death Shall Have No Dominion, De Literatuurkamer, Radboud University, 20 April 2018. https://youtu.be/JT3ZKSBqgiQ

Are sustainability and democracy compatible? (with Yvette Jeuken and Pieter Leroy), presentation at the 30th Anniversary of the Nijmegen School of Management, 1 June 2018.

Expert witness, workshop with practitioners on evidently unjust inequalities in health care, NWO project Socioeconomic inequalities in health and quality of life, B. Haverkamp MA, prof. M. Verweij, prof. K. Stronks, Utrecht, 13 June 2018.

Met dank aan anonieme weldoener en gruwelijke videobeelden, Het Nieuwsblad and De Standaard (Antwerpen), interview on Frederik Swennen's profesorship Animal and Right, 17 October 2018.

Mensverbetering: nil novi sub sole, brief lecture and debate on freedom of choice and human genetic enhancement, Van Mierlo Foundation and Telders Foundation, The Hague, 17 January 2019.

De emancipatie-universiteit, symposium on the identity of the Radboud University, Nijmegen, 17 April 2019.

Waarom betalen voor plastic afval in Nijmegen?, De Gelderlander, Nijmegen, 15 June 2019.

Dertig jaar marktwerking: een liberaal perspectief A liberal perspective on 30 years market forces in public service provision, comment on Sander Heijne’s book Er zijn nog 17 miljoen wachtenden voor u, De Zichtbare Hand (The Visible Hand conference), Utrecht University, 29 August 2019.

Wen er maar aan’, on campaigns for the use of politically correct language, De Gelderlander, 22 February 2020.

Waarom je je niet schuldig hoeft te voelen als we het klimaat verpesten, why you need not feel climate guilt, Quest 196 (2000/5), pp. 64-5, online 12 May 2020, See Quest 196

Deze Nijmeegse brug deugt niet, on the language used in a debate in local politics on a non-inclusive pedestrian bridge, De Gelderlander, 10 July 2021.